Interlocking System (Exercise 14)

general goal

interlocking prevents undesired operation states and demage of equipment

feeder level

feeder level interlocking uses information available in the feeder

objective: do not switch non zero currents with isolator
rule: do not switch isolators when circuit-breaker is closed

station level

station level interlocking uses information available in a substation

feeder equipment is rated for currents refering to the nominal values of the connected branch (e.g. 1000 A)
busbar conductors and busbar coupling may cover much higher currents (e.g. 3500 A)

objective: prevent overload of feeder equipment (switches, conductors) => prevent bus bar coupling with isolators
rule: do not close a second bus bar isolator in a feeder if the busbar coupling is not closed

control center level

the following interlocking conditions can only be checked in the control center because they relate to more than one substation
In the control center the local interlocking conditions (mentioned above) are also checked:


the interlocking rule is sometimes stricter than needed to fullfill the objective