001import java.math.BigInteger;
003/** Wrapper for {@code java.math.}{@link java.math.BigInteger}.
004  * Required for mixed arithmetic with {@code int} or {@code long} operands because {@code java.math.}{@link java.math.BigInteger}
005  * does not implement a {@link java.math.BigInteger#valueOf(long) BigInteger(long)} constructor.<br>
006  * <br>
007  * Note: As class {@code BigIntegerAlgebra} extends class {@code java.math.BigInteger} methods of the later class can be called 
008  * on {@code BigIntegerAlgebra} instances. The methods however will not return an {@code BigIntegerAlgebra} instance but an instance of the super 
009  * class as result. If needed, call the {@link #BigIntegerAlgebra(BigInteger)} constructor on the result to get a {@code BigIntegerAlgebra}
010  * instance again. If this is considered inconvenient, wrapper methods for all relevant methods of {@code BigInteger} need to
011  * be implemented in the Algebra wrapper class.
012  * @see <a target="_top" href="../programmer_examples/MyFractionAlgebra_UserDefinedAlgebra.html">user defined algebra</a>
013  * @see <a target="_top" href="../programmer_examples/ProgrammerExamples.html#biginteger">BigIntegerAlgebra_Demo</a>
014  */
015public class BigIntegerAlgebra extends BigInteger
017   static final boolean DEBUG = false;
019// private BigInteger itsBigInteger = null;
022   /** Constructs a new BigIntegerAlgebra object from a {@code java.math.BigInteger}. */
023   public BigIntegerAlgebra( BigInteger value )
024   {
025   // itsBigInteger = value;
026      super( value.toByteArray() );
027   }
029   /** Constructs a new BigIntegerAlgebra object. <br>
030     * Calls {@link java.math.BigInteger#BigInteger(java.lang.String) java.math.BigInteger(String)} but allows 
031     * arbitrary {@code ' '} or {@code '_'} characters in {@code value} to improve readability.
032     */
033   public BigIntegerAlgebra( String value )
034   {
035      super( KmgStaticUtilities.squeeze( value, "_ " ) );
036   }
038   /** Constructs a new BigIntegerAlgebra object. <br>
039     * Calls {@link java.math.BigInteger#BigInteger(java.lang.String, int) java.math.BigInteger( value, radix )} 
040     * but allows arbitrary {@code ' '} or {@code '_'} characters in {@code value}.
041     */
042   public BigIntegerAlgebra( String value, int radix )
043   {
044      super( KmgStaticUtilities.squeeze( value, "_ " ), radix );
045   }
047   /** Constructs a new BigIntegerAlgebra object. <br>
048     * Required for mixed operations: int <i>op</i> BigInteger, BigInteger <i>op</i> int
049     */
050   public BigIntegerAlgebra( long value )
051   {
052   // itsBigInteger = BigInteger.valueOf( value );
053   // super( "" + value );
054      this( BigInteger.valueOf( value ) );
055   }
058// --- reflection methods ---
060// arithmetic methods are required to return BigIntegerAlgebra 
062   /** Calls {@link java.math.BigInteger#negate}. */
063   public BigIntegerAlgebra neg()
064   {
065      return new BigIntegerAlgebra( negate() );
066   }
068   /** Adds {@code opnd} to this. <br>
069     * Calls {@link java.math.BigInteger#add}.
070     */
071   public BigIntegerAlgebra add( BigInteger opnd )
072   {
073      return new BigIntegerAlgebra( super.add( opnd ) );
074   }
076   /** Subtracts {@code opnd} from this. <br>
077     * Calls {@link java.math.BigInteger#subtract(java.math.BigInteger)}.
078     */
079   public BigIntegerAlgebra sub( BigInteger opnd )
080   {
081      return new BigIntegerAlgebra( subtract( opnd ) );
082   }
084   /** (Post)Multiplies this by {@code opnd}. <br>
085     * Calls {@link java.math.BigInteger#multiply}.
086     */
087   public BigIntegerAlgebra mul( BigInteger opnd )
088   {
089      return new BigIntegerAlgebra( multiply( opnd ) );
090   }
092   /** Divides this by {@code opnd}. <br>
093     * Calls {@link java.math.BigInteger#divide}.
094     */
095   public BigIntegerAlgebra div( BigInteger opnd )
096   {
097      return new BigIntegerAlgebra( divide( opnd ) );
098   }
100   /** Returns the remainder of this divided by {@code opnd}. <br>
101     * Calls {@link java.math.BigInteger#remainder}.
102     */
103   public BigIntegerAlgebra remainder( BigInteger opnd )
104   {
105      return new BigIntegerAlgebra( super.remainder( opnd ) );
106   }
108   /** Returns the power of {@code exponent} of this. <br>
109     * Calls {@link java.math.BigInteger#pow}.
110     */
111   public BigIntegerAlgebra pow( int exponent )
112   {
113      return new BigIntegerAlgebra( super.pow( exponent ) );
114   }
117// --- other reflection methods ---