001/** Simple implementation of a fraction algebra (example of a <i>user defined algebra</i>). <br>
002  * Stores numerator and denominator with int precision. Allows mixed operations with int and double.<br>
003  * For a may be more elaborate implementation 
004  * see &nbsp;<a target="_top" href="../programmer_examples/commons_math_examples/0_CommonsMath_README.html">Commons Math</a> &rarr;
005  * <a target="_blank" href="http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/javadocs/api-3.6.1/index.html?org/apache/commons/math3/fraction/BigFraction.html"><code>BigFraction</code></a>
006  * <!-- <a target="_blank" href="http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/apidocs/index.html?org/apache/commons/math4/fraction/BigFraction.html"><code>BigFraction</code></a>.-->
007  * @see <a target="_top" href="../programmer_examples/MyFractionAlgebra_UserDefinedAlgebra.html">user defined algebra</a>
008  */
009public class MyFractionAlgebra implements JxnCloneableAlgebra, Comparable<MyFractionAlgebra>
011   static final boolean DEBUG = false;
013   protected int numerator;
014   protected int denominator;
016   /** Records if the fraction representation with int numerator and denomonator is exact or an approximation.
017     * Is internally changed, if during calculations intermedeate results cannot be exactly represented with int numerator and denominator.
018     * @see #toString
019     */
020   protected boolean exact = true;
022   /** Constructs a new Fraction object. */
023   public MyFractionAlgebra( int numerator, int denominator )
024   {
025   // if( denominator == 0 ) throw new KmgFormelException( "invalid denominator: " + denominator );
026      if( denominator == 0 ) KmgFormelInterpreter.errorExit( "invalid denominator: " + denominator );
028      this.numerator = numerator;
029      this.denominator = denominator;
030      reduce();
031   }
033   /** Equivalent to {@code new MyFractionAlgebra( numerator, 1 )}. <br>
034     * Required for mixed operations: int <i>op</i> fraction, fraction <i>op</i> int
035     */
036   public MyFractionAlgebra( int numerator )
037   {
038      this( numerator, 1 );
039   }
041   /** Finds a fraction that represents {@code x}, using the continued fraction algorithm. <br>
042     * Required for mixed operations: double <i>op</i> fraction, fraction <i>op</i> double.
043     * @see <a target="_blank" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continued_fraction">continued fraction</a>
044     */
045   public MyFractionAlgebra( double x )
046   {
047   // boolean DEBUG = true;
049      if( x == 0 )
050      {
051         numerator = 0;
052         denominator  = 1;
053         return;
054      }
056      // Kettenbruchalgorithmus (continued fraction)
057      int nPrev = 0;
058      int dPrev = 1;
059      double ax = Math.abs(x);
060      numerator = 1;
061      denominator = 0;
063      if( DEBUG ) System.out.println( getClass().getName() + "( " + x + " )" );
065      while( true )
066      {
067         if( ax > Integer.MAX_VALUE ) break;
068         int ai = (int)Math.floor( ax );
069      // if( DEBUG ) System.out.print( " " + ai );
071         long nNext = ai * (long)numerator;
072         long dNext = ai * (long)denominator;
073         if( nNext > Integer.MAX_VALUE ) break;
074         if( dNext > Integer.MAX_VALUE ) break;
076         nNext += nPrev;
077         dNext += dPrev;
078         if( nNext > Integer.MAX_VALUE ) break;
079         if( dNext > Integer.MAX_VALUE ) break;
081         nPrev = numerator;
082         dPrev = denominator;
083         numerator = (int)nNext;
084         denominator  = (int)dNext;
086         ax %= 1.;
087         if( DEBUG ) System.out.println( "  " + ai + ", " + ax );
088         if( ax == 0. ) break;
089         ax = 1. / ax;
090      }
092      exact = ax == 0.;
094      if( x < 0. ) numerator = -numerator;
095      reduce();  // required?
096      if( DEBUG ) System.out.println( "  => " + this );
098      if( Math.abs( x - doubleValue() ) > Math.abs(x) * 2./Integer.MAX_VALUE )
099      {
100         throw new KmgFormelException( "unable to convert " + x + " to " + getClass() + ": " + this );
101      }
102   }
104   /** Returns the internally stored numerator. */
105   public int getNumerator()
106   {
107      return numerator;
108   }
110   /** Returns the internally stored denominator. */
111   public int getDenominator()
112   {
113      return denominator;
114   }
116   /** Returns, if the fraction (with int numerator and denominator) is exact (otherwise it is an approximation).
117     * @see #exact
118     */
119   public boolean isExact()
120   {
121      return exact;
122   }
124   /** Declares that this fraction instance is considered exact.
125     * @return this
126     * @see #exact
127     */
128   public MyFractionAlgebra setExact( boolean exact )
129   {
130      this.exact = exact;
131      return this;
132   }
134   /** Returns this fraction as double. */
135   public double doubleValue()
136   {
137      return (double)numerator / denominator;
138   }
141// --- interface methods ---
143   /** <b>Note:</b> {@code MyFractionAlgebra} implements {@link JxnCloneableAlgebra} only for demonstration.
144     * As {@code MyFractionAlgebra} has only 2 int members {@code numerator} and {@code denominator} it
145     * should better be implemented as <i>immutable</i> like {@code java.math.}{@link java.math.BigInteger} 
146     * or <!-- <a target="_blank" href="http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/userguide/fraction.html">CommonsMath</a>  -->
147     * <a target="_top" href="../programmer_examples/commons_math_examples/0_CommonsMath_README.html">Commons Math</a> &rarr;
148     * <a target="_blank" href="http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/javadocs/api-3.6.1/index.html?org/apache/commons/math3/fraction/BigFraction.html"><code>BigFraction</code></a>
149     * <!-- <a href="http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fraction/BigFraction.html"><code>BigFraction</code></a> -->.<br>
150     * <br>
151     * <b>Description copied from interface: {@link JxnCloneableAlgebra}</b><br>
152     * {@inheritDoc}
153     */
154   public JxnCloneableAlgebra cloneThis()
155   {
156      MyFractionAlgebra result = new MyFractionAlgebra( numerator, denominator );
157      result.exact = exact;
158      return result;
159   }
162// --- reflection methods ---
164   /** Adds {@code opnd} to this.
165     * @return this
166     */
167   public MyFractionAlgebra add( MyFractionAlgebra opnd )
168   {
169   // numerator = numerator*((MyFractionAlgebra)opnd).denominator + denominator*((MyFractionAlgebra)opnd).numerator;
170   // denominator= denominator*((MyFractionAlgebra)opnd).denominator;
171      if( DEBUG ) System.out.println( "add(0): " + this + " " + opnd );
173      long g = gcd( denominator, opnd.denominator );
174      long n1 = opnd.denominator / g * numerator;
175      long n2 = denominator / g * opnd.numerator;
176      long num = n1 + n2;
177      long den = denominator / g * opnd.denominator;
178      if( DEBUG ) System.out.println( "add(1): " + g + " " + n1 + " " + n2 + " -> " + num + " " + den );
180      if( Math.abs(n1) > Integer.MAX_VALUE || Math.abs(n2) > Integer.MAX_VALUE 
181          || Math.abs(num) > Integer.MAX_VALUE || Math.abs(den) > Integer.MAX_VALUE )
182      {
183      // throw new KmgFormelException( "integer overflow for: " + this + " (+) " + opnd );
184         MyFractionAlgebra tmp = new MyFractionAlgebra( (double)num / den );
185         numerator = tmp.numerator;
186         denominator = tmp.denominator;
187         exact = false;
188         return this;
189      }
191      numerator = (int)num;
192      denominator = (int)den;
193      reduce();
194      exact &= opnd.exact;
195      return this;
196   }
198/* Subtracts opnd from this (Implementation not necessary, if constructor MyFractionAlgebra(int) exists).
199   public MyFractionAlgebra sub( MyFractionAlgebra opnd )
200   {
201   // numerator = numerator*((MyFractionAlgebra)opnd).denominator - denominator*((MyFractionAlgebra)opnd).numerator;
202   // denominator= denominator*((MyFractionAlgebra)opnd).denominator;
203      long g = gcd( denominator, opnd.denominator );
204      long n1 = opnd.denominator / g * numerator;
205      long n2 = denominator / g * opnd.numerator;
206      if( Math.abs(n1) > Integer.MAX_VALUE || Math.abs(n2) > Integer.MAX_VALUE )
207      {
208         throw new KmgFormelException( "integer overflow for: " + this + " (-) " + opnd );
209      }
210      long num = n1 - n2;
211      long den = denominator / g * opnd.denominator;
212      if( Math.abs(num) > Integer.MAX_VALUE || Math.abs(den) > Integer.MAX_VALUE )
213      {
214         throw new KmgFormelException( "integer overflow for: " + this + " (-) " + opnd );
215      }
216      numerator = (int)num;
217      denominator  = (int)den;
218      reduce();
219      return this;
220   }
223   /** (Post)Multiplies this by {@code opnd}.
224     * @return this
225     */
226   public MyFractionAlgebra mul( MyFractionAlgebra opnd )
227   {
228   // numerator = numerator*((MyFractionAlgebra)opnd).numerator;
229   // denominator= denominator*((MyFractionAlgebra)opnd).denominator;
230      if( numerator == 0 ) return this;
231      if( opnd.numerator == 0 )
232      {
233         numerator = 0;
234         denominator = 1;
235         exact &= opnd.exact;
236         return this;
237      }
239      long g1 = gcd( numerator, opnd.denominator );
240      long g2 = gcd( denominator, opnd.numerator );
241      if( g1 == 0 || g2 == 0 )  // required?
242      {
243         System.out.println( g1 + " " + g2 );
244         numerator = 0;
245         denominator = 1;
246         return this;
247      }
249      long num = numerator / g1 * ( opnd.numerator / g2 );
250      long den = denominator / g2 * ( opnd.denominator / g1 );
251      if( Math.abs(num) > Integer.MAX_VALUE || Math.abs(den) > Integer.MAX_VALUE )
252      {
253      // throw new KmgFormelException( "integer overflow for: " + this + " (*) " + opnd );
254         MyFractionAlgebra tmp = new MyFractionAlgebra( (double)num / den );
255         numerator = tmp.numerator;
256         denominator = tmp.denominator;
257         exact = false;
258         return this;
259      }
261      numerator = (int)num;
262      denominator = (int)den;
263      reduce();  // required?
264      exact &= opnd.exact;
265      return this;
266   }
268/* Divides this by opnd (Implementation not necessary, if method inv() exists).
269   public MyFractionAlgebra div( MyFractionAlgebra opnd )
270   {
271      return mul( new MyFractionAlgebra( opnd.denominator, opnd.numerator ) );
272   /*
273   // numerator = numerator*((MyFractionAlgebra)opnd).denominator;
274   // denominator = denominator*((MyFractionAlgebra)opnd).numerator;
275      long g1 = gcd( numerator, ((MyFractionAlgebra)opnd).numerator );
276      long g2 = gcd( denominator,  ((MyFractionAlgebra)opnd).denominator );
277      long num  = numerator / g1 * ( ((MyFractionAlgebra)opnd).denominator  / g2 );
278      long den  = denominator  / g2 * ( ((MyFractionAlgebra)opnd).numerator / g1 );
279      if( Math.abs(num) > Integer.MAX_VALUE || Math.abs(den) > Integer.MAX_VALUE )
280      {
281         throw new KmgFormelException( "integer overflow for: " + this + " (/) " + opnd );
282      }
283      numerator = (int)num;
284      denominator = (int)den;
285      reduce();
286      return this;
287   }
288   */
290   /** Replaces this by its reciprocal.
291     * @return this
292     */
293   public MyFractionAlgebra inv()
294   {
295      if( numerator == 0 ) KmgFormelInterpreter.errorExit( "invalid numerator: " + numerator );
297      int temp = numerator;
298      numerator = denominator;
299      denominator = temp;
300      return this;
301   }
303   /** Replaces this by its power of {@code exponent}.
304     * @return this
305     */
306   public MyFractionAlgebra pow( int exponent )
307   {
308      double num, den;
309      if( exponent > 0 )
310      {
311         num = Math.pow( numerator, exponent );
312         den = Math.pow( denominator, exponent );
313      }
314      else if( exponent < 0 )
315      {
316         if( numerator == 0 ) KmgFormelInterpreter.errorExit( "invalid numerator: " + numerator + " for exponent: " + exponent );
318         num = Math.pow( denominator, -exponent );
319         den = Math.pow( numerator, -exponent );
320      }
321      else  // exponent == 0
322      {
323         numerator = 1;
324         denominator = 1;
325         exact = true;
326         return this;
327      }
329      if( Math.abs(num) > Integer.MAX_VALUE || Math.abs(den) > Integer.MAX_VALUE )
330      {
331         MyFractionAlgebra tmp = new MyFractionAlgebra( (double)num / den );
332         numerator   = tmp.numerator;
333         denominator = tmp.denominator;
334         exact = false;
335         return this;
336      }
338      numerator   = (int)Math.round( num );
339      denominator = (int)Math.round( den );
340      if( exact ) exact = ( numerator == num ) && ( denominator == den );
341   // reduce();  // not necessary
342      return this;
343   }
346// --- overwriten methods ---
348/* TODO: equals => gleicher Hashcode
349   public int hashCode()
350   {
351      return ...
352   }
355   /** Fractions are equal, if both numerator and denominator are equal. <br>
356     * (the exactness-information is not required to be equal)
357     */
358// public boolean equals( MyFractionAlgebra other )  // geht nicht
359   public boolean equals( Object other )
360   {
361      if( numerator   != ((MyFractionAlgebra)other).numerator )   return false;
362      if( denominator != ((MyFractionAlgebra)other).denominator ) return false;
363      return true;
364   }
366   /** Returns -1 if &nbsp;{@code this < other}, +1 if &nbsp;{@code other > this}, else 0. */
367   public int compareTo( MyFractionAlgebra other )
368   {
369      double x = doubleValue();
370   // double y = ((MyFractionAlgebra)other).doubleValue();
371      double y = other.doubleValue();
373      if( x < y ) return -1;
374      if( x > y ) return +1;
375      return 0;
376   }
378   /** Returns a string representation of the fraction. <br>
379     * <br>
380     * Shows the fraction as &nbsp;<code>"<i>numerator</i> / <i>denominator</i> = <i>double-value</i>"</code>, if int valued numerator and denominator allow
381     * an exact representation of the fraction, e.g. {@code "1 / 8 = 0.125"}. However, if the fraction is an approximation, it is formatted as
382     * <code>"<i>double-value</i> ~ <i>numerator</i> / <i>denominator</i>"</code> e.g. {@code "0.3 ~ 3 / 10"} (there is no exact binary representation 
383     * of the decimal {@code 0.3}).<br>
384     * Note the difference:
385     * <pre>
386     *    f1 = @{@link #MyFractionAlgebra(int, int) MyFractionAlgebra}( 3, 10 )  ! exact fraction
387     *     = 3 / 10 = 0.3 (MyFractionAlgebra)
388     *    f2 = @{@link #MyFractionAlgebra(double) MyFractionAlgebra}( 0.3 )  ! approximation of the double {@code 0.3}
389     *     = 0.3 ~ 3 / 10 (MyFractionAlgebra)  </pre>   
390     * The resulting fraction instances {@code f1} and {@code f2} are equal, but only {@code f1} considers itself exact.
391     * A Calculation with fraction instances transfers the exactness-information to its result.
392     * @see #exact
393     */
394   public String toString()
395   {
396      if( exact ) return numerator + " / " + denominator + " = " + doubleValue();
397   // return doubleValue() + " \u2248 " + numerator + " / " + denominator;  // asymp wird zu klein dargestellt
398      return doubleValue() + " ~ " + numerator + " / " + denominator;
399   }
402// --- other reflection methods ---
404   /** Returns the greatest common divisor (gcd) of {@code m} and {@code n}. */
405   public static int gcd( int m, int n )
406   {
407//    if( m > n )
408//       return gcd( m - n, n );
409//    else if( n > m )
410//       return gcd( m, n - m );
411//    else
412//       return m;
414      if( n == 0 ) return 0;
416      for(;;)
417      {
418         int mn = m % n;
419         if( mn == 0 ) return Math.abs(n);
420         m = n;
421         n = mn;
422      }
423   }
426// --- internal methods ---
428   /** Reduces the fraction: devides numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor. */
429   protected void reduce()  // reduce
430   {
431      int g = gcd( numerator, denominator );
432      if ( g == 0 ) return;
433      if( denominator < 0 ) g = -g;
434      numerator /= g;
435      denominator /= g;
436   }
438   /** power.
439     * @param exponent must be &gt;= 0
440     */
441   protected int power( int base, int exponent )  // no more needed
442   {
443      if( exponent < 0 ) throw new KmgFormelException( "negative exponent not allowed" );
444      int exp = exponent;
446      long result = 1;
447      while( exp > 0 )
448      {
449         result *= base;
450         if( Math.abs( result ) > Integer.MAX_VALUE ) throw new KmgFormelException( "integer overflow for: " + this + " ^ " + exponent );
451         exp--;
452      }
454      return (int)result;
455   }
457   /** Test. */
458   public static void main( String [] args )
459   {
460      for( int n = 1; n <= Integer.MAX_VALUE; n++ )
461      {
462         MyFractionAlgebra sqrt_n = new MyFractionAlgebra( Math.sqrt(n) );
463         if( sqrt_n.mul( sqrt_n ).equals( new MyFractionAlgebra(n) ) == false )
464         {
465            System.out.println( n + " " + sqrt_n );  // 1073741825 1.073741824E9 ~ 1073741824 / 1
466            break;
467         }
468         if( n % 10_000_000 == 0 ) System.out.println( n + " " + sqrt_n );
469      }
470      System.out.println( Integer.MAX_VALUE );
471   }