JXN Syntax Definition (in a modified EBNF)

  If you are not familiar with BNF or EBNF you may skip the following detailed description of the JXN grammar.

    EBNF     JXN Syntax     JXN Special Commands

EBNF Operators and Symbols ( → Wikipedia: de | en )

EBNF-Operators: non_terminal = definition ,  ? informal description ? ,  /* comment */ ,  // comment
                alternative1 | alternative2 ,  [ option 0,1 ] ,  { optional repetition 0,* } ,  ( grouping )

EBNF-Terminal-Symbols (JXN operators): special character(s) in quotes e.g. "=", "+=", "*", "@"

EBNF-Non-Terminal-Symbols (abstract terms of JXN): word without blanks e.g. expression, special_command

Keywords (JXN special_commands): # followed by underlined word e.g. #import

If not stated differently arbitrary blanks are allowed before and between terminal symbols and non-terminal symbols

JXN Syntax

command = [ special_command | statement_sequence ] [ jxn_comment ]

special_command = #filespec | #import | #remove | #edit | #reinit | #exit
                | #function | #if | #ifdef | #ifndef | #else if | #else | #endif | #while | #break | #continue | #endwhile | #return | #endfunction   

statement_sequence = statement { ";" statement } [ ";" ]  // trailing ";" supresses result output

jxn_comment = "!" ? random text ?

statement = [ variable_name "=" ] expression | variable_name "="   // "name=" repeats the most recent assignment statement to variable name
            | variable_name ( "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "^=" ) expression  // (Wikipedia:  augmented assignment)
            // jxn handles  variable_name op= expression  as a syntactical shortcut of  variable_name = variable_name op ( expression )

            // L-values not (yet) implemented:
            | symbolic_factor_extended "[" expression "]" "=" expression  // workaround: set( symbolic_factor_extended, index_expression, expression ) 
            | symbolic_factor_extended "." field_name     "=" expression  // workaround: set( symbolic_factor_extended, "field_name", expression )

expression = term { ( "+" | "-" ) term }   // left-associative: a op b op c ≡ ( a op b ) op c  (  Wikipedia: de | en )

term = potenz { ( "*" | "/" ) potenz } | simple_term   // left-associative (like expression)

simple_term = potenz { [ " " /* blank, if necessary */ ] simple_potenz }   // without operator "*" oder "/" (but possibly with sign)
                                                                           // for symbolic_factor_terminated: single argument without () brackets

potenz = { "-" | "+" } simple_potenz

simple_potenz = factor [ ( "^" | "**" ) potenz ]   // without sign for simple_term, (recursive =>) right-associative: a^b^c ≡ a^(b^c)

factor = decimal_constant | symbolic_factor_terminated

decimal_constant = ( digit { digit | "_" } [ "." { digit | "_" } ] | "." { "_" } digit { digit | "_" } ) [ ( "E" | "e" ) [ "-" | "+" ] digit { digit } ]
                   // without sign, no blanks within a decimal_constant, ".2" and "5." are valid, decimal_constant may contain '_'

digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"

symbolic_factor_terminated = "@" [ package_path "." ] class_name [ " " /* blank, if necessary */ ] simple_term   // constructor call ( "@" in JXN ≡ new in Java)
                             | "@" simple_term   // deprecated
                             | [ [ package_path "." ] class_name "." ] static_method_name [ " " /* blank, if necessary */ ] simple_term
                             | symbolic_factor_extended [ "." method_name [ " " /* blank, if necessary */ ] simple_term ]

symbolic_factor_extended = symbolic_factor { "[" [ expression [ ":" [ expression ] ] ] "]"   // []-access, left-associative
                                             | "." field_name | "." method_name argument_list }  // left-associative

symbolic_factor = variable_name | "(" expression ")" | string_constant | character_constant
                  | "{" ( comma_separated_expressions | expression ":" expression ) "}"   // creates an array
                  | "@" [ package_path "." ] class_name argument_list   // constructor call ( "@" in JXN ≡ new in Java)
                  | "@"                                 argument_list   // deprecated
                  |     [ package_path "." ] class_name "." ( static_field_name | static_method_name argument_list )  // static field access or static method call
                  |                                                               static_method_name argument_list    // class defined by first non primitive argument or #import static
                  |                                           static_field_name  // is not supported (=> e.g. E for Math.E is not possible)

variable_name | function_name | parameter_name | class_name | field_name | static_field_name | method_name | static_method_name = identifier

package_path = identifier { "." identifier }

identifier = ? java_identifier_start ? { ? java_identifier_part ? }   // no blanks within an identifier,  isJavaIdentifierStart,  isJavaIdentifierPart

string_constant = """ { character } """  // blanks are significant within a string_constant, "" = empty string

character_constant = "'" character "'"  // without blanks

character = ? single_character ? | "\"" | "\'" | "\\" | "\0" | "\t" | "\n" | "\r" | "\b" | "\f"
            | "\u" hex hex hex hex  // without blanks, Unicode (  Wikipedia: de | en )
            | "\#" digit { digit } [";"]  // without blanks, Unicode (decimal), ";" may be omitted, if not followed by another digit

hex = digit | "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F"

argument_list = "(" comma_separated_expressions ")"

comma_separated_expressions = [ expression { "," expression } ]   // may be empty

JXN Special Command Syntax (also see JxnScripting)

#filespec.jxn [ argument_list | expression ]  // filespec may contain blanks
#filespec_without_blanks[.jxn] [ argument_list | expression ]
#this [ argument_list | expression ]  // deprecated

#remove variable_name

#import package_path [ "." class_name ]
#remove [ package ] package_path [ "." class_name ]
#remove [ package ] class_name

#import static [ package_path "." ] class_name
#remove static [ package_path "." ] class_name

the following special commands are available

- only for interactive use from the input line:

#edit [ command ]

- only inside a jxn file (not for interactive use):

#function function_name [ "(" [ parameter_name { "," parameter_name } ] ")" ]
#return [ statement ]

#if statement
#ifdef variable_name
#ifndef variable_name
#else [ if statement ]

- only inside a #function definition (inside a jxn file):

#while statement