Class JxnGraphicsPainter

    • Constructor Detail

      • JxnGraphicsPainter

        public JxnGraphicsPainter​(int type,
                                  double x1,
                                  double y1,
                                  double x2,
                                  double y2)
        Creates a graphical object for display in a PlotFrame.
        type - 0 : drawLine | -1 : drawRect | 1 : fillRect | -2 : drawOval | 2 : fillOval
      • JxnGraphicsPainter

        public JxnGraphicsPainter​(int type,
                                  double x1,
                                  double y1,
                                  double x2,
                                  double y2,
                                  Color graphicsColor)
      • JxnGraphicsPainter

        public JxnGraphicsPainter​(int type,
                                  double x1,
                                  double y1,
                                  double x2,
                                  double y2,
                                  int var)
        var - reduces the size of the graphical object by var pixels at each side.
      • JxnGraphicsPainter

        public JxnGraphicsPainter​(int type,
                                  double x1,
                                  double y1,
                                  double x2,
                                  double y2,
                                  int var,
                                  Color graphicsColor)
    • Method Detail

      • paint

        public void paint​(KmgGraphicsScaler sk)
        Description copied from interface: KmgXYPainter
        Paints the graphical object (called internally).